After my Friday’s post about E&Y I wanted to give them a second chance and spend my time on reviewing another of their reports: “Blockchain in action: Enabling data protection, compliance and workforce growth”. One additional reason being that its title contains both “workforce” and “blockchain” words. That didn’t prove to be the wise choice, however.
My overall impression is that it was made by stitching together two old pieces: one — on GDRP — dated back about 2–3 years and another one, even older, — on “Millennials New Jobs” — which holds Peter Drucker and Paul Krugman as “authorities” on this issue. At the same time, the word “blockchian” has only twelve (12) occurrences (mostly at the first and last pages) in this 20-pager allegedly devoted to it. Basically, they simply copy/pasted a couple of meaningless paragraphs with “trendy” words to simulate a “fresh” content.
Still, if I’m hard press to extract some value from this “work” it would be the following outdated citation: (refers to 2017 Upwork’s study ) “Freelancers predicted to become the U.S. workforce majority within a decade, with nearly 50% of millennial workers already freelancing …”.
Supposedly, it must suggest that DLT is set to benefit from this trend immensely. However, we shouldn’t forget that “silos” technologies facilitate “remote work” with no less (if no more) efficiency than the decentralized ones. As to crypto-currencies, freelancers are naturally law-abiding citizens, I suppose, and they would do what their governments tell them to do — transact in “fiat” (less, probably, few places like Venezuela).
As to the “GDPR part” of this piece it’s a complete waist of time. All you can tell after getting trough a dozen or so pages of it is that E&Y partners fill themselves extremely exited about potentially lucrative “clients’ engagement opportunities” which EU bureaucrats are deliberately pushing their way by cornering millions of entrepreneurs with expensive to implement regulations, which, most probably, won’t solve any old issues except creating the new ones.
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