Evernomics is the study of eternal economic agents’ behavior in non-scarcity environments.
Evernomics opposes to Economics, which is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of limited goods and services.
Economics postulates resources scarcity and humans limitations. Evernomics allows humans to extend themselves beyond artificial limits.
Economics is the science of cynics. Evernomics is the science of visionaries.
Humans are part of the nature and have to follow its rules. However, humans always try to replace old rules by new ones. That makes a difference between humans and animals.
The Civilization fights the Life. The world gets complex. Decomposing this complexity helps to guide the existence. It leads to decentralization. Everyone starts to play its own game. Universal rules stop to exist.
The ability to abstract ourselves from the reality is our strength. It allows us to challenge the nature in its own game — building the Universe.
In this game humans are not satisfied with their insignificant position. Everyone wants to extend his / her existence into the Eternity. The drive for Eternity is the most basic of all human instincts.
Destiny is the byproduct of the external environment. We have to keep changing our environment to achieve immortality.
The study of Earth planetary cycles is in its infancy. We only know that those cycles exist. That is the starting point of Evernomics.
Evernomics states that humans are not bound by Universe’s four forces. We are capable to create alternated worlds. Today we can only bent the rules. Tomorrow we will break its. Evernomics provides the guide for those who dare to step the path leading to the Eternity.
Evernomics is the practical science. We believe in the cyclicity of economic events. Generational Cycles are real. One generation goes through several sub-cycles (SVET Cycles). Humans strive to eternalize themselves through Civilizational (Organizational) Constructs. Constructs have much longer life-span — from hundreds to thousands years.
Geography shapes the environment. There are sixteen archetypical human behavioral patterns called ‘Deeps’ . Deeps are stimulated differently in different environments and during different cycle’s phases. Knowing how allows to build smart contracts.
Humans understand future symbolically. Symbols of Water, Fire, Earth and Air eternalize our need of drinking water, food, energy and communication.
There are four major Constructs types — those controlling trading routs, natural resource, human labor and intellect. During the late stage of the Generational Cycle the older generation fights its younger contenders for each of those resources. That is happening now.
Evernomics’ goal is to demonstrate the evidence of its predictive power. Today that work is done by SVET Value following Evernomics’ investment strategies and developing the Digital Wealth Growth smart contracts.
For more: evernomics.com