High profile of its founder and his scientific credentials continues to be one of the strongest parts of public image of Hedera’s team, which is also packed with people which are, obviously, not novices neither in mass-marketing nor in business. However, Hedera’s management performances during past six months has been questionable (very slowly filling in their 39-sits governing council with members), which leads to “Team” rating downgrade to “b”.
At the same time Hedera’s initial intend to focus its business strategy on providing solutions for large permissioned, corporate networks still looks viable to me (“Solution”: “a”).
Hedera’s financial accounts are unavailable for public scrutiny and its real financial situation is unclear. However, with Hedera’s more than $100 mio raised, I do not have evidence yet that Hedera’s financial stability is under the threat and I formally see it as stable.
On the other hand, the recent dramatic HBAR prices plunge might have more serious consequences on company’s bottom line than we know.
Hedera Hashgraph LLC is registered at least in five US states Oregon, Texas, NY, Delaware and CA) and I have no reasons to question its legal status (“Validity”: a)
Solution- Validity- Equity- Team: aabb
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