SVET Rating Brief Writing Guide

5 min readJun 5, 2021


SVET is Light, Authors Svet and Vic

SVET System Rating:

  1. Security: you have to evaluate project’s code vulnerability. Sources of information: search Google for publicly known breaches of its protocol and who — if any — officially audited their code;
  2. Velocity: you have to factually check, number (if possible) and appraise platform’s scaling / growth capacity, including, platform’s number of independent nodes, their rate of growth and number of independent developers working with this platform. Sources of information: project’s Technical paper, project’s GitHub, look for a number of registered project developers, their activity and qualification;
  3. Engineering: you have to asses platform’s Architecture and compare it to known analogues. Sources of information: project’s Technical paper;
  4. Transparency: you have to rate platform’s Governance model. Sources of information: Project’s DAO website.

SVET Vision Rating:

  1. Singularity: you have to check out project’s Competitors. Sources of information: Project’s Whitepaper, google Competitors using key-words related to this project;
  2. Volume: you have to gauge project’s targeted Market’s Size and number of platform’s Users. Sources of information: google project’s industry researches;
  3. Empathy: you have to weigh up project’s Community. Sources of information: the number of its Twitter, Reddit, Telegram followers as well as quality, number and frequency of users replies, number of likes / dislikes;
  4. Timing / TimeLine: you have to analyze project’s future Development Plans. Sources of information: look at platform’s growth / development phases (Road Map) on project’s webpage and in its Whitepaper.

SVET Execution Rating:

  1. Solution: you have to value project’s Business Model. Sources of information: Project’s Business Whitepaper, Project’s Web Site, lists of Project’s clients and Business Alliances;
  2. Validity: you have to scrutinize project’s Legal status, including official registration, and its headquarter address (sources of information: project’s official registration records, project’s company legal name such as found on;
  3. Equity: you have to appraise project’s Finance, including financial and audit reports (it is not necessary to proof read it — only to check for their existence). Sources of information: Project’s GAAP Reports, Project’s and Industries Financial Forecasts, Information about Project’s investments rounds;
  4. Team: you have to rate project’s Team, including, project’s founders profiles on LinkedIn. Sources of information: Project’s web site, Project’s LinkedIn Account.

SVET Tokenomics Rating:

  1. Sustainability: you have to study project token’s price historical volatility and depth of token’s market. Sources of information: token’s historical prices graphs, a number of project’s Investors, Hodlers and Liquidity Providers showed on scanners f.e.;
  2. Value: you have to explore project token’s price potential to increase in the long-term (3–5 years). Sources of information: token’s historical prices graphs technical analysis, ratio of tokens maximum to current supply, experts comments;
  3. Engagement: you have to research project token’s usability as well as how it is marketed on various medias platform. Sources of information: project web page, personal impression from using project tokens, look for users comments in project’s Telegram group, project’s Tokenomics whitepaper;
  4. Transactions: you have to investigate token’s ease of use and transact. Sources of information: number and quality of Exchanges where this token is registered, number and availability of wallets accepting this token.

It is very important that you remain skeptical in your assessments.

SVET Rating is not a marketing agency. SVET Rating is the decentralized analytics platform which purpose is to provide Investors with an objective view on analyzed projects.

The required SVET Review Format:

  • The Header (Title Of The Review): ‘(… name of the project ..) Review and SVET Rating’. Example: ‘Monero Review and SVET Rating’
  • Intro: SVET.(… category…) Rating ( … 4 Deeps … ). Example: ‘SVET.Vision (Singularity — Volume — Empathy — Timing)’.
  • Content (Review and Rating Text): Each Deeps is to be addressed in the review orderly in several paragraphs, one-by-one and must be concluded by assigning a rating to a given Deep. An expected length of the SVET Review and Rating ~ 1000 words.
  • The Footer (Rating Total): ( … name of the project ….)’s SVET.(… category…) Rating ( … 4 Deeps … ): x / x / x / x. Example: ‘Monero’s SVET.Vision (Singularity — Volume — Empathy — Timing) Rating: a / a / b- / a’
  • References.

*) Note, in case you have some notable involvements with rated projects (f .e, you are an advisor, founder — or his/her relative, employee, contractor etc) you have to explicitly state that fact in the Review.


NOTE: The links to all sources of information which were used to rate a project must be listed at the end of the Rating. All quotes in the Rating’s text must be referenced to those links.

Required SVET Reference Layout: Title Of The Document, The date (if there is no date, use n.d.), Author’s Name, Title of Website, URL.

Example (fictitious): ‘A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.’[1]

[1] Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, October 31, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto,,

A Rating Update:

A SVET Rating Update presents itself a short (100–150 words) post which starts with the Deeps Name and a text consisting of a quote from a recognized source (with a corresponding reference) followed by an Author’s proposition (incl. reasoning) to update (or to not) an existing rating.

Example (fictitious) of the Ethereum Network’s SVET.Security Rating Update:

Ethereum Network’s SVET.Security Rating Update: Quote: “ The Ethereum Foundation has published a blog post outlining a potentially catastrophic vulnerability that could have resulted in the mainnet being brought down at a cost of less than five-figures up until the execution of the Berlin hard fork last month.”

[Source: Coin Telegraph; Author: Samuel Haig; Published: May 19, 2021 Link:].

That vulnerability has been timely identified and patched. It hasn’t caused any material breaches in the network’s security. As a result Ethereum ‘Security’ Rating remains unchanged (‘a’).

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Written by SVET

Angel Investor (20+ years), Serial Entrepreneur (14+ companies), Author (> 1M views), Founder of Evernomics, 40+ Countries

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