Greece, Mount Olympus, February 14, 2024 AD
Gaia (Mother Earth): What about that angry red-haired Cyclops?
Themis (deity of order): They are trying to get rid of him, politely.
Gaia: Today?
Themis: No, today they are busy with the descendants of the people who dropped your toy in the sea two thousand two hundred years ago near Antikythera island.
Hermes (the god of various domains): Right. Very smooth. Why not just call them Crypto holders, Themis?
Cetus (a sea creature): Great, they put people in prison for writing a piece of code but praise old fools who send young people to die in battle for no reason.
Mars (the god of war): Are you a frisking pacifist?
Cetus: I’m simply saying that humans’ worst fears are their biggest enemies, preventing them from improving.
Pluto (the god of the Underworld): Yes, give me more work, let them change. Through changes, I will make them suffer.
Gaia: Stop the nonsense and watch out for Poseidon, please. I think he’s breaking things again.
Poseidon (the god of the sea): Mom, it’s just another village in Asia Minor.
Gaia: Exactly, it’s very abusive.
Cetus: It’s not in Anatolia, you, stupid. It’s in Chile and Micronesia.
Poseidon: So what? Do you care that your precious humans will have fewer copper urinals?
Uranus (the grandfather): What?
Mercury (a messenger): Hey guys, watch this fool De Guindos trying to mis-guidos all of them. “The economy is stable”, my ass.
Uranus: Who?
Saturn (the god of time): A very decent old man.
Cetus: Yeah, a rich banker.
Jupiter (the boss): What’s wrong with being rich?
Cetus: Nothing, if you share.
Saturn: Communism?
Cetus: UBI.
Mars: Here we go.
Hermes: Elthen alethos! Sorry. It has truly come, I mean. 52K!
Gaia: Not Bitcoin again!
Hermes: Mother, do you want me back to mail delivery or stealing cattle?
Gaia: Do not exaggerate. Apollo gave you a good job.
Hermes: You mean robbing a poor tortoise of its shell because he liked his guitar to be like Jerry Garcia’s?
Apollo (the god of art): It was a lyre.
Hermes: Whatever. Hey, look, ETH is at 2.7K.
Mercury: Your digitals are just following my stocks, which are recovering.
Saturn: All because my man, Powell, emptied their purses. Now, artisans are less greedy and can’t charge as much.
Mercury: Your man? Remember who was throwing on peoples’ heads all those rectangular pieces of paper, pretending they were gold coins, two years ago?
Saturn: I do. You and your friend Hypnos, who added an out-of-date ambrosia to Powell’s drink, have nothing to do with that, I am sure.
Gaia: Arti touto! Go to your business, all of you, and start thinking about how to stop Cyclops, now.
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