As the World enters into 2020–2030 (Reforms — Active) SVET Cycle we start to witness some of Evernomics predictions coming through.
Q (from SVET Generational Cycles):
“Baby Boomers now in their 70–80th try to deliberately slow down the ‘dangerous’ technological progress. This is accompanied by the change of the world’s political paradigm, which departs from the reformist agenda and shifts to the reactionary politics based on the closed borders, an aggressive economic competition for the natural resources and global spying added by aggressive policing of the local population. … As a result of the massive social disturbances and local wars the great majority of world’s governments become highly centralized and are fully dominated by the large bureaucratic apparatuses … “
I know we all do like to hear good news but we also must start learning from our mistakes. We ought to change our governance systems very promptly now. Otherwise, as we are stubbornly continue to keep ourselves hostages to the ‘great presidents / congresses / representatives’, those ‘leaders’ will continue to play with our lives as with pawns on their situational rooms screens.
So, let’s look at the enrolling geopolitical situation from four major competing institutional constructs ‘chessboards’ point of view.
- Construct One (C1) — moderately centralized — controls oceans, aggressive, mobile and lethal.
- Construct Two (C2) — extremely centralized — controls resources, aggressive, stationary and lethal too.
- Construct Three (C3) — centralized — controls landmass, relatively slow and defensive.
- Construct Four (C4) — decentralized — passive, controls communication and most of artificial constructs.
Those four Constructs are now on their latest generational phase of the Eternalization and start to conflict with each other faced by an increasing resources deficit.
C2, which modus operandi is to exploit and to guard those resources, takes offensive actions (‘offense is a best defense’). However, C2 aging governors are cut off from a ground-data flow (feedbacks) by multiple information filters (age layers), without which their elderly mental capacities (slow, conservative, reactionary, outdated) can’t properly function. That leads C2 to play for over-capacities and further slows C2 down. As a result C2 tends to prefer ‘safest’ (a.k.a. most extreme) game scenarios.
Under those scenarios C2 must be ready to apply the maximum force at a weakest adversaries point. To prepare C2, due to its slowness, has always to play for time. Additionally, those extreme scenarios will beget an equally powerful backlash which might destroy most of C2 reproductive capacities. Consequently, to win the game C2 has to: a) on the artificial constructs level change a mass-perception of a word ‘destruction’ reducing or denying its significance; b) to gain some more time in order to protect its most vital capacities.
Favorably for C2, it possesses large reserves and gigantic retreat-spaces which partially undermine adversaries capacity to overwhelm it an once providing a necessary time for a recovery.
C1 doesn’t have those retreat capabilities. Additionally, its ability to control artificial constructs (including, ‘the 100% destruction’ narrative) is limited by C4. It creates a disbalance on a play-board providing too obvious of a strategic opportunity to C2, which it can’t miss.
The C3 and C4 game plan is to allow C1 and C2 mutual destruction. However, it also poses a huge collateral risks for those two ‘bystander’ constructs. Consequently, C3 and C4 will attempt to fragment major force applications into series of lesser disastrous events leading to a disintegration of C1 and C2. Now to effectively face its multiplying adversaries C3 must also start to disintegrate otherwise risking loosing the game
An active / war phase will be over in about 10 years. As a result:
‘ … multiple, small, decentralized, mutually ideologically exclusive groups of resistance, avoiding legal politics and preferring direct, violent actions, are formed all across the glob. It is paralleled by the internal political disintegration within the ruling elite. … ‘
During the following two decades (one SVET cycle takes 30 years) a new generation, after taking out all constructs governors positions from crippling elders hands, will try to alleviate the upcoming centralized order destruction by various half-hearted ‘reformists’ attempts. Those will only aggravate the crisis.
… Aging Gen X ‘reactionaries’ will be pushing Boomers out from the political offices implementing more ‘impartial’ and ‘fair’ machine-based, algorithmic processes gradually replacing traditionally corrupt ‘human’ bureaucracies. …
Only after that we will see the light at the end of this long tunnel we are just entering.
‘2050–2070 (Reforms — Passive): Millenials will lead the hacker reformists revolt against bureaucratic algorithms trying to decentralized the world and to return to horizontal democracy based on ‘harmonious relations’ between humans and AI. UBI introduced.’
Can we accelerate that process?
Theoretically it is possible if some fantastic circumstances will allow us to skip a whole SVET cycle and to put ‘Millenials’ generation to all four constructs (C1 — C4) governors positions at once. Still, even if it realizes, constructs themselves are not softened yet structurally by upcoming inter-conflicts which allows for their complete disintegration.
Therefore, we’d better prepare for a very long bumpy ride ahead of us.
For more to read on Evernomics, please, refer to: http://evernomics.com/evernomics/